LESSON 18 - May 7, 2013


(Game Dev. Tools) LESSON # 18

Ben W. Savage

Well hey there! It's been a couple weeks, how ya been doing? Been putting these tools to good use? Make anything cool?

During our little hiatus here, I've been busy with a couple Flash projects, Ludum Dare, etc. and I'm STILL pretty busy with other projects, so the pace of these tutorials is going to be slowed a bit down to once a week until that elusive, magical thing they call "free time" comes back! Maybe I'll throw in an extra tutorial here and there, but just to pay it safe, let's say once a week.

So, where did we leave off?

We've covered the canvas in great detail and we've started talking about more game-specific details like velocity, acceleration, and making our objects interact with the boundaries of our canvas. These are physics elements that you'll be using OVER and OVER again in your games, so be sure to keep focused on these and check back every now and then to say hi.

But we've only begun. There's still a whole lot of stuff to cover.

Before moving on to stuff like friction, gravity, trigonometry (don't faint - not as bad as it seems), sprite animation and the basic elements of a platformer game, let's take a glimpse at another important option we have when setting our screen boundaries: namely, BOUNCING! Now bouncing may seem like it requires mysterious and complex formulas to implement, but it's SOOOOO simple! I mean REALLY simple!

Plug this code into your text editor and tell me it isn't the simplest thing you've ever seen:

<!doctype html>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var rectX = 100;
var rectY = 100;

var rectWidth = 50;
var rectHeight = 50;

var VX = 2;
var VY = 2;


function drawRectangle()

context.fillStyle = "#44ff11";

rectX += VX;
rectY += VY;

if (rectX > canvas.width)
VX *= -1;
else if (rectX < 0 - rectWidth)
VX *= -1;

if (rectY < 0)
VY *= -1;
else if (rectY > canvas.height)
VY *= -1;


And it bounces all over the walls like crazy!

However, you may have noticed a problem: when the rectangle bounces off three of the walls, it sinks all the way through the wall before bouncing back, whereas when the rectangle hits the top wall, it seems to bounce off of it perfectly. Any ideas as to why this is?

Well, of course! It's because in the canvas, the objects are situated in relation to their top-left corner as we mentioned in previous lessons. This means we need to adjust these by including the width of our rectangle in the formula.

But first, let's see what's happening here when we bounce stuff off the walls:

Like I said, it's so simple it doesn't seem possible. First off, as you've noticed, we've erased our keyboard listeners and handlers. No need for them anymore...we're on autopilot now. Secondly, we've assigned a VX and VY value of 2 to our rectangles at the top of our code where we declared all the other variables. Lastly, we've multiplied the value of our VX and VY times NEGATIVE 1 each time it hits the wall: VX * -1 for the x values and VY *= -1 for the y values. But why negative 1?

Think it over:

Pretend our rectangle is in the middle of the screen moving right. Our VX value is 2 and we're adding that to the x value of our rectangle each iteration. And then we hit the wall on the right side of the screen. At this point our VX is multiplied by -1, making it -2. NOW what happens? Instead of adding 2 to the x value of our rectangle, we're adding NEGATIVE 2 to our rectangle, DECREASING its x value and moving it in the opposite direction across the canvas. So now we're moving to the left until we come across the left-hand side of the canvas. At this point, once again, we multiply our VX value by NEGATIVE 1 once again. So if it was -2, we're mulitplying that by -1. A negative times a negative is a positive, so HEY, we're back to regular old 2 once again!

And the same exact thing happens on the y-axis as well.

Simple as PIE, ladies and gentlemen!

But it does still need some minor tweaking to give it that shine. Let's return to our if statements:

if (rectX > canvas.width )
VX *= -1;
else if (rectX < 0 - rectWidth)
VX *= -1;

if (rectY < 0)
VY *= -1;
else if (rectY - rectHeight > canvas.height)
VY *= -1;

We need to tell the browser now that we don't want the bouncing to occur when our top-left point hits the edge of the canvas, but rather when the closest side to the boundary touches the edge. This too, is very simple, but it requires a little thought.

Let's start with the right-hand side of the screen. Run the code again and tell me what happens. Yup, the rectangle goes all the way off the screen before bouncing back. What we need to do is ADD the width of our rectangle to our if statement to make it perfect. Luckily, we already have a rectWidth variable handy.

So here's the first if statement:

if (rectX+ rectWidth > canvas.width)
VX *= -1;

Now for the next one. So what's happening on the left side? Same deal: it's going all the way off the screen before bouncing back. No good! Let's correct that as well by SUBTRACTING the width of the rectangle.

This time around we have:

else if (rectX - rectWidth < 0 - rectWidth)
VX *= -1;

So, as you can see, the rectangle bouncing off the top wall is fine. Let's get down to fixing the last one, then watch some perfect bouncing!

Here, as you may have guessed, we need to do something with the rectangle height. Again, we have a rectHeight variable for the occasion.

Now take a look at what's happening and tell me what we need to do. Thinking over problems like these help you get into the mindset of working in HTML5, since the MAJORITY of things you work with will be moved around by their top-left corner. It's a pain, I know, but it becomes second-nature after you get used to it.

So do we need to subtract the height of the rectangle or add it?

That's right! We need to ADD it!

Hence this code:

else if (rectY + rectHeight > canvas.height)
VY *= -1;

And we're done! Run the code and take a look at the beauty that is bouncing off the walls of the canvas!

Here's the complete deal:

<!doctype html>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var rectX = 100;
var rectY = 100;

var rectWidth = 50;
var rectHeight = 50;

var VX = 2;
var VY = 2;


function drawRectangle()

context.fillStyle = "#44ff11";

rectX += VX;
rectY += VY;

if (rectX+ rectWidth > canvas.width)
VX *= -1;
else if (rectX - rectWidth < 0 - rectWidth)
VX *= -1;

if (rectY < 0)
VY *= -1;
else if (rectY + rectHeight > canvas.height)
VY *= -1;


And that does it for bouncing! Let's introduce another VERY important feature today, before dedicating our entire next lesson to it: SCROLLING!

Dah dah dahhhhhhh!

Scrolling is another one of those simple things you'll get the hang of pretty darn quickly.

Yesterday I played Golden Axe which I hadn't played in years. It's a neat AI-based game where you run around slicing up enemies in a fantasy/pseudo Medieval setting. But Golden Axe, like Double Dragon/Final Fight or most of those old-school puch-'em-a-million-times games has the following setup:

You start on the left of the scene and make your way slowly to the right. Usually your progress is blocked by a bunch of bad guys you need to demolish before the screen allows you to move onwards.

This whole screen movement thing is called scrolling (duh). But what you might NOT know is this:

In these sorts of games, the character is not moving, but walking in place while the SCREEN is moving, at least while the scrolling is going on. Look at the nes games Super Mario Bros., Contra, Metroid, Castlevania.... the characters aren't actualy running to the left and right, but often there is a mechanism that is moving the screen along with them, creating the illusion that Mario or whoever is running all over the place.

But I'm simplifying a bit. Often games are a combination of the two: when the screen stops in Golden Axe, Final Fight, etc. and you battle with enemies, the character actually IS moving independently, and there are often certain boundaries within boundaries that allow you to get the scrolling moving again when you hit them with your character. But more about those later when we talk about scrolling in greater detail.

Today, seeing as we're just introducing the topic, let's look at some simple scrolling in a final exercise:

First we'll need a background. A solid color won't do because we need to see some sort of progression as we scroll. An image would be nice, but just so we're all on the same page, let's make our own asset with canvas tools, namely a gradient.

First off we'll need our keyboard events back, so go ahead and add those in again. Secondly, we'll need to create a background, then add it to the canvas behind our rectangle.

This is done by adding the following lines of code. Remember that whatever you make FIRST appears behind whatever you make second (unless you're using a compositing technique we discussed in lesson 10). So add this line under all your variables at the top:

var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(100,50,500,50,50,200);

and change these four lines UNDER your clearRect() in the drawRectangle function:

context.fillStyle = gradient;

Weird! Yeah, I know, but it will serve our purpose just fine. Now to make it scroll!

We want the animation to be triggered when the rectangle is moved, so here we need to go to our keyboard event and tell it to stop moving the rectangle, but to move the background instead!

This is also very simple.

First we need to create a variable called backgroundX which we will plug into our background image's x value. This will go at the top with our other variables. Here's the code for it:

var backgroundX = 0;

As you can see, we initially give it a value of 0.

Then we plug our backgroundX value into the fillRect like so:


This we've done a couple times already, so it shouldn't be new to you at all.

Now let's comment out these two lines by putting two forward slashes in front of them. This keeps the square from moving. Commenting out, by the way, if you're not familiar with it, is a neat way to keep your code from running without erasing it. To comment out single lines of code, we use two forward slashes like so:


and to comment out multiple lines of code, we need to put our code between these two things:

/* and */

To illustrate this, here's our code commented out. Note that I've used the single line comment technique twice.

//rectX += VX;
//rectY += VY;

But I could have just as easily done this:

rectX += VX;
rectY += VY;

Get it? We'll be seeing more of these in the future if it's iffy.

Moving onwards:

Now,since we're only interested in our background scrolling sideways, let's add the following line right below the ones we just commented out:

backgroundX += -VX;

Note that I've added a value of NEGATIVE VX to our background because, unlike our green rectangle, we want our image to move from right to left when we hit our right arrow key. Not bad! Primitive, but it's a first step in the right direction. When we've got sprites to work with, things'll be a lot tidier.

Here's the full code just in case you missed something:

<!doctype html>
<title>BASIC SCROLLING</title>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var rectX = 100;
var rectY = 100;

var rectWidth = 50;
var rectHeight = 50;

var VX = 0;
var VY = 0;

var backgroundX = 0;

var gradient = context.createRadialGradient(100,50,500,50,50,200);


function drawRectangle()


context.fillStyle = gradient;

context.fillStyle = "#44ff11";

backgroundX += -VX;

//rectX += VX;
//rectY += VY;

if (rectX > canvas.width)
rectX = 0;
else if (rectX < 0 - rectWidth)
rectX = canvas.width - rectWidth;

if (rectY < 0)
rectY = canvas.height;
else if (rectY - rectHeight > canvas.height)
rectY = 0;



function onKeyDown(event)
if (event.keyCode == "37")
VX = -3;
else if (event.keyCode == "39")
VX = 3;
if (event.keyCode == "38")
VY = -3;
else if (event.keyCode == "40")
VY = 3;

function onKeyUp(event)
if (event.keyCode == "37")
VX = 0;
else if (event.keyCode == "39")
VX = 0;
if (event.keyCode == "38")
VY = 0;
else if (event.keyCode == "40")
VY = 0;


And that does it for scrolling for this week. Again, I just wanted to introduce the subject. If you mess around with it, you might even arrive at some advanced techniques by yourself. In the near future we'll explore some more types of scrolling techniques and even put together a little background with our canvas tools to make our animation all fancy. As always, feel free to throw me some questions on Twitter @benwhi.

So stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed! As always, thanks for following along! Code didn't work for you? Hate me? Are you my illegitimate child? Send input anytime!

Until tomorrow!

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