LESSON 11 - April 14, 2013


Operation C.A.N.T (Canvas Ain't No Thang) LESSON # 11

Ben W. Savage

Aaaaaaaaand today we'll be wrapping up our study of the many features of the canvas before stepping into the exciting territory of game development techniques not specific to the canvas itself. Let's get our feet wet right away, because there are a couple things to cover. Some of you might feel the need to skip some parts if you're already familiar with stuff like directories or HTML color values.

First off, I never really got into the multiple methods a game dev. has of using color in the canvas. Naturally I talked briefly about hex values and directed you elsewhere for further elucidation on the subject, but there are also other methods of inputting colors. Let's take a survey of them.

When we specify lineStyle or fillStyle, these are some of the different options we have in canvas:

fillStyle = "#5500cc"; Hexadecimal value. Can also be abbreviated to:
fillStyle = "#50c"; Each number is a doubling of the value. In other words: #50c = #5500cc.

fillStyle = "green" There are certain color values that can be plugged in as a string.
filStyle = "rgb(30,240,10)" RGB (Red Green Blue) values. Each of the three values ranges from 0 to 256.
fillStyle = "rgba(46,13,244,.3)" RGB (Red Green Blue Alpha) values. Same as above, except this includes the alpha value which ranges from 0 to 1.
fillStyle = "rgba(20%,11%,90%,.5)"RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) except this time the RGB is done through percentages.
fillStyle = "hsl(200,55%,70%)" HSL (Hue Saturation Lightness) values. This assigns a HUE value from 0 to 360, as well as a saturation and lightness precentage.
filStyle = "hsla(350,20%,90%,.4)" HSLA (Hue Saturation Lightness Alpha) values. Same as above, except includes an alpha ranging from 0 to 1.

Here's a list of a bunch of color names you can plug in as strings:


And that really does it for the colors, folks. How much do you REALLY want to know about colors anyway??

The next topic in our final canvas survey is patterns.

Now I never told you this, but you can also assign a pattern to a fillStyle. It's done pretty much in the same way we assigned an image to our drawImage() method. Remember that? No need to go back and check it out: here's how you implement patterns:

First you assign a name (yup, anyone you choose!) to your image and create it. After that you pull it from the directory it was saved in. We'll go over how to pull your images from other directories right after patterns, so sit tight if you're curious.

var myPattern = new Image();
myPattern.src = "well.png";

Then after we've told the computer what to name it and where we want to grab it from, we need to set either our fillStyle or our strokeStyle to a method called createPattern(). This method contains requires two arguments. The first is the name of the image we just made up and the second is the repeat value which we'll see in a second.

So you assign your fillStyle (or strokeStyle) to createPattern in this way:

context.fillStyle = context.createPattern(myPattern,"repeat");

And then you add whatever you want to fill to the canvas. Lo and behold it will be filled with the pattern you specified. Here's the full code:

<!doctype html>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

var myPattern = new Image();
myPattern.src = "well.png";

context.fillStyle = context.createPattern(myPattern,"repeat");


Now it worked pretty well for me because my picture was super tiny (20x20) pixels. This caused my image to be repeated a bunch of times inside the space of my rectangle. But maybe you don't want that! Maybe you prefer a texture of a leather waller or something. In that case, you can use a larger image and the pattern will take a chunk of that and put it in your rectangle.

Now that last argument, "repeat" can be replaced by a couple others, namely:

"repeat-x" "repeat-y" "no-repeat"

repeat-x copies your image across the X axis and repeat-y copies them across the Y axis. Self-explanatory. no-repeat, very simply, shuts off repeat and only allows one instance of your image to appear inside the area of the recangle.

Got it? If you're into this technique (which I'm definitely not) go ahead and try a couple of example images and see what you come up with.

Next topic is directories:

Now I've asked you a couple times now to pull stuff from directories, and only explained how to get them from the same directory in which our html file is contained. Well, if you've ever worked with HTML before, you'll probably know that you have to write a slash or two and maybe a couple dots if you want to navigate backwards towards the root of your directory.

I know some of you are groaning, because you learned this years ago, but this is important stuff for the folks who don't know it!

Sooo, if I have a folder in my current directory called wellFolder and it houses my well.png, I'll need to write the following to retrieve it:

myPattern.src = "wellFolder/well.png";

If it was inside a folder called wellFolderInside which was located in our wellFolder (still in our directory), we would write:

myPattern.src = "wellFolder/wellFolderInside/well.png";

To go back a directory:

Let's say that you saved your file in the previous directory, say downloads or documents or something like that. Then you would need to use this handy little guy to go back.

myPattern.src ="../well.png"

If you need to go back two steps, just add write this.

myPattern.src ="../../well.png"

And that's about all you need to know!

Our next topic is pixel manipulation. Now I'm not going to get into the complex stuff of pixel manipulation, but want to show you briefly how it works and how to grab pixels from somewhere and put them somwhere else. I'll also briefly be discussing how to manipulate the pixels themselves.

First off, plug in this example which we'll be working with:

<!doctype html>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

context.fillStyle = "ff4444";

context.fillStyle = "550000";

context.fillStyle = "33ff66";


Nothing special, just three rectangles sittin' around on the canvas. Now with pixel manipulation we can take a sample of the stuff we have on our canvas, alter the information and/or put it somewhere else.

This sampling and moving part is done through two methods:



putImageData(imageName, X,Y);

First off we need to create a variable which will hold our imageData. We then assign the variable to the getImageData method. After this has been done, we are free to place it on our canvas wherever we please.

So go ahead and add these two lines AFTER the last fillRect method.

var imageDataStuff = context.getImageData(280,200,40,40); context.putImageData(imageDataStuff,100,100);

As you can see, we sent our getImageData out to grab a 40 X 40 chunk of pixels at 280 and 200. Note that our grabber doesn't make any distinction between rectangles, it just grabs whatever it sees in the area you specfied. Our putImageData method neatly places what it grabbed at the X and Y values we specified. In this case it's 100,100.

Pretty easy, huh?

Now anytime we need to access the data itself of our imageDataStuff variable, we just access its property "data". Each pixel in our selected chunk of image data has 4 bytes, each of which correspond to an RGBA (red,green,blue,alpha) value. So, in other words if our chunk here is 40 X 40, we have 1600 X 4 bytes = 6400 freaking bytes of RGBA information!

In order to alter the content of these bytes, we'll probably want to loop through its values and assign a new one. We do this by means of a for loop. Now some of you will have no idea how this for loop thingy operates, and that's ok because for today's lesson I'm just throwing it into the batch for demonstrative purposes. We'll take a look at this stuff later.

Here's the code:

for (var i =0; i < imageDataStuff.data.length; i+= 4) { imageDataStuff.data[i] = 256; }

HEY, it sorta looks like the Spanish flag! This effect came about because we increased the red value of our pixels to their maximum value. All we did was say, "take every red value in every byte and assign it a value of 256."

Note that this won't work unless you put it BEFORE the putImageData. It's a very simple process, actually: we're assgning a variable to our pixels, changing them around a bit, then placing them on the canvas in a different position!

If you don't get it, just copy it for now; we'll be coming back to loops and arrays in due time. If you DO want to tweak the values a bit, try changing:

var i =0
to any value from 0-3.
0 corresponds to red 1 to green 2 to blue 3 to alpha

If you want to change the values of the RGBA info, just take the line:

imageDataStuff.data[i] = 256;

...and give it any number from 0 to 256. This will affect the quantity of the RGBA value (the number 0-4 you chose above) that you want to be displayed.

And that's WAY more about pixel maniuplation than I wanted to discuss today. Let's get to the last topic before this lesson becomes enormous.

The last topic deals with two very important functions which will allow you to store important data that you may have assigned to your shapes or whatever and have the canvas retrieve them again for you!

Here they are, the very cool:


Let's jump in to see how they work:

Run this code a sec., then we'll give it a study:

<!doctype html>
<title>SAVE AND RESTORE</title>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "550" height = "400"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");

context.fillStyle = "rgba(256,0,0,.4)";

context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,256,0,.8)";




So here, as you can see, I've drawn four rectangles, but have only called context.fillStyle twice. As you can see at the end of our first block of code, we added context.save() at the end. Same with our second block of code.

When we arrive at our third block of code, it was only necessary to call a fillRect() method, since the context.restore() line returned our value from block two for us.

When we arrive at the fourth block of code, we call context.restore() once again and the rectangle we draw is given the value of the first rectangle.

See how this works? Everything that is saved is thrown onto a stack, then removed on a last come, first served basis. Whatever you throw onto the save() stack, becomes immediately available for the first restore(), while the first thing you save becomes the last thing restored.

Making sense? save() and restore() can be applied to all kinds of parameters, but NOT to drawings themselves. They can, however, even be applied to the transformation of your axes when you do rotations or scaling.

Let's return to our example of rotation from a couple chapters ago:

<!doctype html>
<canvas id = "canvas" width = "1000" height = "700"></canvas>
background-color: #dddddd;


var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");


context.fillStyle = "#44ee00";
context.strokeStyle = "#5500dd";


Ahhh Herbert! Remember when we scaled Herbert the triangle?

Let's apply our new knowledge of save() and restore() to return back to a rotated state.

Change all the code in the <script> tag with the following:

var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "#44ee00";

var theCanvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");



context.fillStyle = "#44ee00";
context.strokeStyle = "#5500dd";


</script>trokeStyle = "#5500dd";

Notice how the save() has to be called AFTER the particular settings you want to save. In our case here, we're taking the standard, non-rotated default canvas values and are saving them. After we do all our rotation stuff, we call restore(), which returns everything back to normal again, then we draw a rectangle at the coordinates 100,100.

Seems simple enough, right?

Yeah, and it's a REALLY powerful tool that you can use in clever ways to make some pretty complex animations on your canvas!

So those are the last things I wanted to discuss regarding the canvas tools... EXCEPT... the last, 9-argument version of the drawImage() which we haven't looked at yet. Remember him? This will be extremely useful when we start making sprite sheets and animating our characters! But it's not quite tme yet - tomorrow we move into the world of event listeners!

So stay tuned and I hope you enjoyed! As always, thanks for following along! Code didn't work for you? Hate me? Are you my illegitimate child? Send input anytime!

Until tomorrow!

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